Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Axe boffers

Chaos Axe
38.75” haft
18.75”x 10.5” axe head
This axe can be used as a one of two handed weapon. It has a very slim profile that allows it to be swung very fast and the E-tape handle is a slightly better grip. It's much faster then most of my axe designs and considerably lighter. It can be used as a counter to other long boffer weapons but can be overtaken if you swing to long and leave yourself open or have the weapon countered on the back swing.

Thunder Hammer

40.75" haft
8"x9" hammerhead
5.5"x6.75" hook
Another new design, this one hasn't been tested yet. The entire head is open cell as is the hook. It can be wielded with two or one hands but is designed for two hands, using the haft to block and parry. The force behind the weapon can disarm most opponents and the hook is for catching other weapons on the backswing. The bolt is open cell wrapped in E-tape

 Dual ST Axes

31.5" haft
16.5"x6" front blade
8.75"x4" back blade
An upgraded version of my axes, they are again designed to be dual wielded. They hold most of the force in the axe head but are lighter so they can be swung with much more force. Upgrades to this design included the tops which allow other weapons to be caught and blocked much easier along with being longer overall, letting them be a much better counter to other boffers. E-tape handle.

Dual Marl Axes
26" long haft
11"x 5.5" blade
4.25" spike
The first boffer weapons I designed. They are a lot heavier then they look because of more duct tape then necessary. They work best against other dual wielded doffers or two handed staff boffers as they have the force to keep your opponent off balance with heavy hits from two directions. In a fight you need to keep closer to you opponent, especially if they have a longer weapons. The handles are E-tape and you should never wield only one at a time. These boffers are designed to be dual wielded, one blocking and the other attacking.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sword boffers

Kunai prototype
Overall Length-20"
This boffer was designed as a secondary weapon. The handle is wrapped in E-tape and naked PVC instead of wrapping it in pipe foam like normal. The blade and ring are shaped with open cell foam. It works well as a defensive weapon when dual wielding.

22" Overall Length
17"x 4.5" Blade
5.25" Handle
Again designed as a secondary weapon but it can function as a primary. A very simple design, its a PVC core, pipe foam and the blade is shaped with open cell foam. The handle if wrapped in E-tape. All boffer weapons are designed not to hurt too much when hit. However for the same reason a kukri is a successful design, with enough force behind it this boffer can sting like a bitch because of all the force being concentrated on the front curve of the blade.

 Skulltaker Sword
40.75" Overall Length
32.5"x 5" Blade
8" Handle
This design was done recently done for a friend for a larp. He wanted a utilitarian weapon based on a machete. Again similar to the kukri, all the force is concentrated on the top curve of the blade, giving it enough force to push aside most other boffers with less resistance. Handle is covered with grip tape and the blade is shaped with open cell over pipe foam and a PVC core.

53" Overall Length
43"x 7" Blade
6.5" Handle
16” Hilt
This boffer was designed as a two handed weapon though it can be wielded one handed with a bit of effort. I based the hilt on a crusader design and the handle is grip taped. The colored portions are colored E-tape and the hilt itself is stiffened pipe foam. The blade is again open cell foam. The sword itself looks awkward but is fairly easy to use. It can't do fast attacks like a fencing saber but it doesn't lack raw power. However you have to be careful to to over-swing and leave yourself to fast boffer attacks.

 Merah Point Short Sword
35.5" Overall Length
20"x 4" Blade
8.75" Handle
A test weapon in more uniquely shaped blades. The blade and guard are one piece of open cell but because its just duct tape over foam, the guard tends to flop around when fighting. It's not a bad weapon and as a proof of concept it's successful. The weapon won't hold up for long against full size boffers but for hit and run attacks or outflanking it can work well. The handle is again E-tape.

 Black Fang Blade

28" Overall Length
19.25"x 4.75" Blade
4" Handle
Again another test weapon like above. This one was less successful and doesn't have as much force to be used as a primary weapon. Even as a backup or secondary weapon it doesn't work as well as it should. The points can't block other boffers without bending in half and the balance is off for some reason. E-tape handle.

Blackfist Radier Swords
46" Overall Length
38"x 4.5" Blade
4.5" Handle
5.5” x 3.25” Hilt (1.25” spines)
A very successful pair of swords, the guards are pipe foam wrapped in duct tape and the handle is covered in E-tape. Unlike the Dragonslayer design, these are designed for faster attacks and to be dual wielded quite easily. They are single edged but for getting around two handed staffs or other dual wielded weapons they work incredibly well with much for range and a wide hitting edge

Clawed Longsword Commission
A commission for a friend for the forscythe larp. A simple longsword, the hilt isn't designed as much for blocking weapons but more for appearence. The sword is heavier then it looks due to an excessive amount of duct tape. The handle is done with grip tape. A successful weapon and my friend was happy with it.