Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Axe boffers

Chaos Axe
38.75” haft
18.75”x 10.5” axe head
This axe can be used as a one of two handed weapon. It has a very slim profile that allows it to be swung very fast and the E-tape handle is a slightly better grip. It's much faster then most of my axe designs and considerably lighter. It can be used as a counter to other long boffer weapons but can be overtaken if you swing to long and leave yourself open or have the weapon countered on the back swing.

Thunder Hammer

40.75" haft
8"x9" hammerhead
5.5"x6.75" hook
Another new design, this one hasn't been tested yet. The entire head is open cell as is the hook. It can be wielded with two or one hands but is designed for two hands, using the haft to block and parry. The force behind the weapon can disarm most opponents and the hook is for catching other weapons on the backswing. The bolt is open cell wrapped in E-tape

 Dual ST Axes

31.5" haft
16.5"x6" front blade
8.75"x4" back blade
An upgraded version of my axes, they are again designed to be dual wielded. They hold most of the force in the axe head but are lighter so they can be swung with much more force. Upgrades to this design included the tops which allow other weapons to be caught and blocked much easier along with being longer overall, letting them be a much better counter to other boffers. E-tape handle.

Dual Marl Axes
26" long haft
11"x 5.5" blade
4.25" spike
The first boffer weapons I designed. They are a lot heavier then they look because of more duct tape then necessary. They work best against other dual wielded doffers or two handed staff boffers as they have the force to keep your opponent off balance with heavy hits from two directions. In a fight you need to keep closer to you opponent, especially if they have a longer weapons. The handles are E-tape and you should never wield only one at a time. These boffers are designed to be dual wielded, one blocking and the other attacking.

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